
Greve de Lecq, located on the north coast of Jersey, is a small bay renowned for its stunning sandy beach and picturesque scenery. Historically, this area was a bustling hub for smuggling in the 18th and 19th centuries, with its rugged cliffs and hidden caves providing perfect cover for illicit activities. The bay’s name, which translates to “Bay of the Stream,” reflects the freshwater stream that flows into the sea here.

The beach at Greve de Lecq is a popular spot for both locals and tourists, offering safe swimming waters and rock pools teeming with marine life. It’s an ideal location for families and those looking to enjoy a relaxing day by the sea. For the adventurous, the bay is also a starting point for various coastal walks, including the cliff path to Plemont, which provides breathtaking views of the coastline and opportunities to spot seabirds.

One of the notable historical landmarks in Greve de Lecq is the Prince’s Tower, originally built in the 19th century as a signal station. Additionally, the Grève de Lecq Barracks, constructed in 1810 to defend against potential invasions, now house a small museum that delves into the bay’s military past.

Visitors can also enjoy the local cafes and pubs, such as the Le Moulin de Lecq, a historic watermill-turned-pub that offers a charming spot to relax and savor traditional Jersey fare. Whether exploring its historical sites, enjoying the natural beauty, or simply unwinding by the sea, Greve de Lecq offers a delightful mix of activities and experiences.

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