1, Exeter to Tiverton
From £2 for a single journey
7 places to visit
View journey Attractions70 minutes
How to get hereJourney fact:
Tiverton has a quirky connection to the world of literature through the Tiverton Literary and Scientific Institution, founded in 1805. It is said that the author Mary Shelley, best known for "Frankenstein," attended lectures at this institution during her stay in Tiverton, adding a literary touch to the town's history.
Journey Overview
A Fab Day Out!
How to get here...
Visit the megabus website and view megabus services that will transport you to this exceptional scenic journey.
Visit megabus siteVisit the National Rail Enquiries website to discover train routes that will lead you to this magnificent scenic adventure.
Visit National RailPlan your route to this Great Scenic Journey
Places to visit & things to do on this journey
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